Be a Sponsored FUN runner

HH5K 2025 date will be June 7, 2025
Please use promo code SPONSOR if getting sponsors.
Because of your generosity, we were able to raise almost $14000 for the orphanages in Haiti and Ghana. Thank you!
If you are 12 or under, you can be even more of a super hero if you get your friends and family to sponsor you! Our sponsored runners help us provide even more for the children in Heather's Home. We hope you will be a sponsored runner!
By raising $30 or more, your race fee will be waived! If you get excited about this, you'll see hundreds - if not thousands - of dollars come in!
​How to Register as a Sponsored Runner:
Decide to participate in the Heather's Home 5K. The course is approximately one mile.
Complete paper registration on the day of the race or complete and bring with you the day of the race.
Download and print off the Sponsorship Tracking Form (checks can be made payable to Heather's Home 5K, donations may also be made online).
Download a Heather's Home info sheet to share with the people you ask to sponsor you.​
Gather $30+ in Sponsorships by Race Day.
TEAMS of five or more receive a $25 discount when registering online!
Bring your completed Sponsorship Tracking Form and money raised to the Registration Table between 8:30am and 9:15am on Race Day or if you prefer to send your money ahead of time, mail ONE check, payable to Heather's Home 5K, to P. O. Box 205, Big Flats, NY 14814.
We look forward to seeing you at the Fun Run!
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Heather's Home Ministries works with kids worldwide who don't have a mom or a dad to take care of them. Most of them are all alone in the world. We rescue them and give them a home. The money you raise for the Fun Run will help pay for these kids to have a place to live, to eat good food, to have nice clothes, to go to school and get educated, and to have a family to look out for them. Getting sponsored gives you a greater opportunity to help provide for these sweet kids.